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Medicare Hospital Wage Index 2022 Occupational Mix Survey

It’s almost that time again; time to prepare the Occupational Mix Survey (OMS).

CMS is required to collect data every three years on the occupational mix of employees for each short-term, acute care hospital participating in the Medicare Program, in order to construct an occupational mix adjustment to the wage index.

The Occupational Mix Adjustment affects your wage index and thus your Medicare payments.
Therefore, it is vital to ensure your data is reported correctly.

SRG is ready to assist hospitals in a full preparation of their survey or just a review prior to filing with CMS.  Our knowledgeable consultants can be of significant value to your hospital, particularly with the complex task of properly gathering and categorizing OMS data. SRG is expert in the full accumulation of OMS data having done so for many hospitals across the country. Surveys cover calendar year payroll 2022 data and are expected to be due to CMS July 1, 2023. Contact us today to ensure your systems are set up to capture the data required on the survey.

Worksheet S-10 Comprehensive Compliance Review
Worksheet S-10 revenue is a critical part of the revenue stream for hospitals that treat indigent patients through the Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program.

The complexity of Worksheet S-10 reporting can be daunting as accurate records are central to reimbursement that could mean millions of dollars for your hospital.

To obtain the proper provider reimbursement you’re entitled, it’s crucial for hospitals to correctly file Medicare cost report Worksheet S-10.
SRG is ready to work with hospitals to help ensure your submissions meet the requirements of Worksheet S-10 instructions and in accordance with your hospital’s charity or financial assistance policies. Our knowledgeable consultants can be of significant value to your hospital, particularly with supporting you through audit. SRG is an industry expert in S-10 preparation, reviews and audits, having done so for many hospitals across the country.

Contact us today for assistance preparing your S-10 Worksheet, reviewing the work you’ve done on your S-10 or navigating an S-10 Worksheet audit.

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