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Cost Report - Medicare, Medicaid and CHAMPUS

Cost Reporting Lifecycle

  1. Cost report preparation, documentation, and submittal.
  2. Interim settlements, interim rate and PIP payment rate determinations.
  3. Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) audits, provider/MAC negotiations, and final settlement.
  4. If necessary, cost report reopenings, amended final settlements, appeal filings, PRRB hearings and federal court cases.
SRG is uniquely qualified to assist health care providers at any point in the cost report lifecycle and offers the following services:
  • Cost Report Preparation and Filing
  • Cost Report Compliance Reviews
  • Cost Report Audit Representation
  • Cost Report Prior Year Reviews
  • Cost Report Appeals and Reopenings
With a national client base of literally hundreds of providers, SRG has successfully addressed the full range of cost report related activities with many MACs. SRG’s experience is broad. SRG staff is exceptionally qualified. SRG offers the combined expertise of Certified Public Accountants and the experience of former auditors and senior healthcare financial executives. Should you require professional third party cost reporting services, SRG stands ready to provide superior experience, expertise, and performance.

SRG offers your organization

The Best People — A broad and deep offering of experienced people, methodologies and tools for getting at the underlying value in many of the regulatory and reimbursement areas.  We have designed the team at SRG to serve you with resources and knowledge that only years of reimbursement experience and forward thinking can provide.

Proven Success — Our clients can offer the best measure of our performance.  They have told us that they hired us because SRG brought best practices, discipline and methodologies to drive the project and the manpower to alleviate the time demands on their people.  The team of professionals assigned to serve you has achieved a track record of success.

Speed to Value — Getting results quickly is important.  We will commit our project team to meeting a mutually agreed upon timeline for each of your projects.

Easy Working Relationships — Our reimbursement experience allows us to work effectively with your staff to minimize interruptions.  SRG’s services allow you to remain focused on regular day-to-day operations.
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